Afia Corp







Quotes by Tak!

"If I could paint, my wall would look like you.
If I couldn't, I would just...like you."-Tak Okamoto

"Love is an exercise in creativity."-Tak Okamoto

"The less words, the more universal."-Tak Okamoto

"Everyone thinks their field will rule the world. Eugenics, computer science, politics, finance, medicine. Everyone's right...they rule their own world. But they'll never rule anyone else's.-Tak Okamoto

"The truth is only worth it 23% of the time. Just kidding."-Tak Okamoto

"Dare to belittle my dream, and I'll belittle you when it comes true." -Tak Okamoto

"Just try it...if you fail, you'll have a good story to tell your date when you're stuck for a conversation topic."-Tak Okamoto

"The wildest fantasy will come true if you believe hard enough." -Tak Okamoto and lots of other people

"Work as hard as you can. You'll never remember the struggle. You'll either be sitting on glory or too busy to think about the past."-Tak Okamoto

"On the buy-side, you win if you make money.
On the sell-side, you make money if you win."-Tak Okamoto

"Die to live, die to relive."-Tak Okamoto

"Happiness is the root of happiness."-Tak Okamoto

"Reality always sticks around to show you who's boss."-Tak Okamoto

"Lock and key, dock and sea,
How much closer can two hearts be?"-"Just Looking at You", Tak Okamoto

"People will like you the way you are, but people will like you plus a cherry more."-Tak Okamoto

"Life is a dream. Sleeping is being alive."-Tak Okamoto

"I don't particularly like to learn, but I love having learned."-Tak Okamoto

"We stand as one in melodies of time."-Tak Okamoto, conTAKt

"Economics is the social science of allocating scarce resources to individuals...
...the most important of which is women."-Tak Okamoto Translation: The rich guys get all the women.

"Why do sneezes come in pairs?"-Tak Okamoto

"Pass the salt"-Tak Okamoto

"Effort justifies the end"-Tak Okamoto, in response to Machiavelli

"I'm losing sleep like Ophelia lost her mind..."-Tak Okamoto

"Friday is vital to life...for many reasons."-Tak Okamoto, Urban Resident Crusoe

"Appreciate the sun. Without light there is no darkness, so if it weren't for the sun, there would only be matinee shows on Broadway, and there would be no lower rates on long-distance calls after 11 PM because there would be no night. There would be no Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. The one benefit is that we nocturnal people would never have to wake up. But then, if we did wake up, we'd wake up to a reality where night would never come. Wait, wouldn't it always be night if there was no sun? Anyway, appreciate the sun, because otherwise the reverse of everything I just said would be true. Hmmmm... As I say, appreciate the sun."-Tak Okamoto

"In a land of diminishing virtue,
Beauty is seen through a sexual lens,
Stars bring joy to but a few,
And innocent flowers no one now defends."-Tak Okamoto

"Love is an excuse to be extra nice."-Tak Okamoto

"Marriage is the magical exception to the law of mathematics; One plus one yields three, or four, or five, or six."-Tak Okamoto

"For Whartonites, e-mail is not procrastination; it's instant communication with acquaintances around the globe for maintaining relations with potential future clients or representatives from a target market."-Tak Okamoto

"Though shooting stars are rare and hard to find, Often we don't see that to the horizon each night, Our own sun shoots across the sky, and with rays soft and kind, Grants a wish a day, in a starset's light."-Tak Okamoto, Her Starset Wish

"Your aegis in times of conflict; Your clown in times of defeat"-Tak Okamoto

"Dreams are reality, eternally."-Tak Okamoto, Winged Lightmare

"The world has two kinds: the Mastermind of TAKtics...
and all his sidekicks."-Tak Okamoto, Mastermind of TAKtics

"I'm not a dreamer, I'm a virtual realist"-Tak Okamoto

"I'm as pure as the moonlight on a cloudless night"-Tak Okamoto

"The best memories are made in silence"-Tak Okamoto

"Memories of love are only seen through kaleidoscopes"-Tak Okamoto

"Life's a B in F. It's almost perfect but it isn't."-Tak Okamoto

If you have any questions, contact me at tak@afia.jp.

Copyright 1996 - 2004 Tak Okamoto. All Rights Reserved.