Afia Corp








About Me

Basic Facts

Name Takeshi ("Tak") Okamoto
Birthday November 18, 1978
Blood Type A
Chinese Year Horse
Horoscope Scorpio
Height 5'10"
Weight About 160 lbs.


Words What's past is prologue - William Shakespeare
Artist Kaho Shimada
Book Interview with the Vampire (Anne Rice)
Movie Ocean's Eleven, Insider
Musica; Les Miserables
Composer Frederic Chopin, Claude Debussy
Food Seafood in general (except sea urchins)
Animal Dragon
Color White and green
Flower White Rose

Life Summary

11/1978 Born in Tokyo, Japan
11/1983 Moved to Irimacho, Chofu-shi (in Tokyo)
12/1985 Moved to Toronto, Canada
01/1986 Moved to Cupertino, CA
01/1987 Moved back to Tokyo, Japan
08/1991 Moved to Taipei, Taiwan
06/1993 Moved back to Tokyo, Japan
06/1996 Graduated from The American School in Japan (ASIJ) High School
09/1996 Entered the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
06/1998 Internship at Chase Trust Bank, Investments Division
05/1999 Internship at Merrill Lynch Japan Inc., Investment Banking Division
07/1999 Internship at Merrill Lynch Japan Inc., Debt Capital Markets Division
08/1999 Internship at Deutsche Bank Securities, Ltd., Global Markets Division
12/1999 Auditioned / registered at NHK Educational Corporation
05/2000 Graduated Cum Laude from the Wharton School
  B.S. Economics; concentrations in Finance and Accounting
06/2000 Entered Goldman Sachs (Japan) Ltd., Investment Banking Division
12/2000 TV debut as actor in NHK "Eigo Business World"
09/2002 Entered Microsoft Co., Ltd., Xbox Division Marketing Department
01/2003 Transferred to the Business Strategy Department
06/2003 Founded Afia Corporation
11/2004 Completed Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy at American Pacific University
Dissertation: "Triple Point: New Dimensions of Possibility"

Certificates and Honors

1995 1st Degree Black Belt, Japan Karate Association
  1st Degree Black Belt, Kodokan (Judo)
1998 Driver's License (Japan)
2000 Japan Securities Dealers Association Examinations Series 1 & 2
2001 NASD Securities Examination Series 7
  AMEI MIDI License Level 3
  2nd Degree Black Belt, Japan Karate Association
2002 NLP(Neuro-linguistic Programming) ABNLP Certified Trainer
  Time-line Therapy TLTA Certified Trainer
  Hynotherapy ABH Certifed Trainer
2003 AMEI MIDI License Level 2
  System Administrator Certification
  AAJ (Aromatherapy) Examination Levels 1 & 2
  Color Coordinator Certification Levels 2 & 3
  Retail Sales Certification Levels 2 & 3
  NOMA Certified Business Document Coordinator
  Business Law Certification Levels 2 & 3
2004 CPA - Certified Public Accountant
  CMA - Certified Management Accountant
  * Proctor & Gamble CMA Bronze Medal Award Winner
  CFM - Certified Financial Manager
  * Johnson & Johnson CFM Bronze Medal Award Winner
  Nihon Ki-in (Go) - 1st Dan
  Nihon Ki-in (Go) - 2nd Dan
  Nihon Ki-in (Go) - 3rd Dan
  Nihon Ki-in (Go) - 4thDan
  Japan Shogi Association - 1st Dan
  Japan Shogi Association - 2nd Dan
  Japan Shogi Association - 3rd Dan
  NOMA Certified DTP Director
  Passed Real Estate Transaction Manager Exam (Takken)

Pet Peeves

Not that this is a big deal, but since I don't have it on any other page, I thought I'd put it here.

1. Hearing the same story for the second time.
2. People who act differently towards different sexes.
3. People who suddenly get the idea that they're so amazing after one little incident/fluke/success.
4. People who pretend they know what they're talking about when they really don't have a clue.
5. Dripping faucets.
6. Cigarette smoke.
7. People who think they're cool cuz they smoke/drink/smoke up/etc.
8. People who think they're so cool in general.
9. People who talk about themselves too much.
10. People who are too into a cause that doesn't really affect anyone.
11. People who don't accept different faiths/religions.
12. People who think the world moves for them.
13. Lights that are about to die and go on and off erratically.
14. Backstabbing.
15. Movies based on graphics and not story line.
16. People who think they're in the worst physical/financial/social position in the world and therefore deserve all the sympathy and attention in the world.
17. Bad drunks.
18. People who have to get into fights to save their egos.
19. Guys at clubs who push other guys away, and only talk to them nicely when trying to get to know the girl(s) they're with.
20. Waiters/waiteresses who slam down your plate/glass.
21. Professors who don't listen to the below-average student.
22. Slow internet connections.
23. The feeling that you have so much to do, but don't know how to do any of the tasks ahead of you.
24. Losing cuz you couldn't do your best.
25. When no one remembers your birthday.
26. In-jokes you don't understand.
27. Guys who think handshakes are power contests.
28. People who laugh at other people's dreams.
29. Losing your voice.
30. Forgetting to shave for something important.

Things that are really cool

1. Finding out some coincidental similarities with someone you just met.
2. Strangers who smile back when you smile at them.
3. People who understand that secrets you tell them are not their secrets but yours...and respect that enough to not even tell their significant others.
4. People who do things for you that'll will bring them no benefit.
5. People full of life, people who can get high on air.
6. Learning...after having learned.
7. When you connect with an author/composer; when you see how they were feeling when they wrote something.
8. The tension during the moment before you kiss someone.
9. Spontaneity.
10. People who don't blindly follow the belief of the masses.
11. People who are mature enough to NOT say "I told you so" when they're right.
12. People who are willing to change.
13. People who would miss an exam/interview to take you to the hospital.
14. People who try new things, and people who try in general.
15. Amazing people who almost have a right to be stuck up but aren't.
16. When you know WHY you're in love (if it's a good reason).
17. Holding hands.
18. People with whom you feel comfortable having silence with.
19. Guys who are open enough to meet other guys at parties.
20. Siblings who are really close.
21. Good e-mailers.
22. People who come in second place who offer the winner a handshake.
23. Winners who accept it gladly.
24. Being able to do something no one else can do.
25. The feel of your bed after an all-nighter + exam.
26. Finishing an exam early.
27. A letter or phone call from someone you weren't expecting to hear from (as long as it's good news).
28. Looking back and knowing you made the right decision.
29. Free Parking in Monopoly.
30. Time and Space.
31. The tingling feel you get in your fingers, arms, and in your whole body when you're flooded with power before a sport event.
32. When you're winning but you're not sure you'll win yet.
33. When you exceed someone's expectations.
34. Extroverts.
35. A unique relationship...one that no two other people are in.
36. The tip of knowledge that inspires an iceberg of revelations.
37. The "Ohhhh I get it!" feeling.
38. Getting it before anyone else.
39. Inspiration.
40. Aquarius after a rough workout.
41. Waking up at the end of an REM cycle, ready to get up.
42. Falling back into the same good dream you just had...and remembering it.
43. Pi, the number.
44. Chopin and Debussy.
45. The second-to-last chapter of a great book.
46. Anne Rice.
47. Memories in slow motion in a light mist with music box music.
48. When you try to be funny and people actually think you're funny.
49. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
50. Seeing it get visually closer.
51. The tightness of a friendship after you've been through hell together.
52. Stock options and SARs.
53. The weight of her head.
54. Getting people who hate you to think you're not all that bad.

Things I want to do before I'm 50

1. Get married.
2. Have kids.
3. Write a book.
4. Climb Mt. Fuji
5. Go to Beijing (DONE!), Rio, Amsterdam, and the Moon
6. Get a pilot's license
7. Get big in the music industry
8. Build at least one house.
9. Write a Broadway musical.
10. Perform in a professional theater company.
11. Start an a capella group in Japan.
12. Buy a white tux.
13. Learn about wines, cars, history, astrology, animals, medicine, and law.
14. Be a nice guy...if/when I get really famous, I want to take random people out to dinner just because. I want to never say no when people ask for autographs. I want to know as many people as possible by name. And I want them to call me by name.
15. Get really rich and donate lots of money but still price-shop for laundry detergent.
16. Start my own company.-->DONE!
17. Learn how to play the harp.
18. Learn to break dance.
19. Cook for my entire family, however big it gets, relatives and all.
20. Be 75 kg, 4% fat.
21. Drive across USA.
22. Bicycle across Japan.
23. Invent something useful.
24. Work like the last night of the world.
25. Wake up the next morning to realize it wasn't.
26. Be a master of qigong.
27. Learn cool magic tricks.
28. Give someone 24-hours of pure happiness.
29. Have someone give it to me.
30. Learn C++, Java, and Visual Basic.
31. Become a lawyer in Japan and in the US.

Things I know I should stop but can't:

1. Chocolate
2. Basketball when your feet are getting ripped up
3. Sleep in class
4. More chocolate
5. Daydreaming
6. Wasting time making dumb lists
7. Believing I can fly
8. Looking down on lazy people
9. Bragging about stuff others don't care about (like getting a new hard drive for my computer...shoot I did it again)
10. Acting exhausted when I'm exhausted
11. Stereotyping
12. Assuming that everyone else is as much of a music/psyc/finance freak as I am.
13. Just smiling and pretending to understand when someone makes a joke I don't understand.
14. Worrying about 10 years into the future
15. Not going to the hospital unless absolutely necessary.
16. Ditto dentist.
17. Thinking too much.
18. Even more chocolate.
19. Skipping class.
20. Sitting in front of the computer and just trying to think of more things I can't stop doing, just so I can have 20 things on my list.

If you have any questions, contact me at tak@afia.jp.

Copyright 1996 - 2004 Tak Okamoto. All Rights Reserved.