About me....

Here is little bit about myself I've written so far.

My interests

I love getting behind the wheel and I like going on a trip on automobiles.  I am interested in the industry, too.  My favorite car would probably be Lotus "Esprit"(the car which Richard Gere was driving in the movie "Pretty Woman"...).  Or cars like SAAB, AMG C36, and so on.  I first took my driver's license when I was 15 in Connecticut and, so far, I've driven about 50000 km mostly in Japan (perhaps not much distance comparing to those in the States, but quite a distance in Japan).   For this, I spend more than $1000 on highway tolls and $2000 on fuel every year...My best driving experience was when I drove long distance from Cairo to Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt.  Driving almost 2500 miles round trip with my friends (in my friend's SUV) during our trip to Utah was also stunning.

As much as I enjoy driving, I'd love to fly a plane.  I haven't got a chance to do so yet, but this is what I want to do in the future.  I even enjoy flying as a passenger.  Flying 40000 feet high above the ground at nearly the speed of sound is just amazing.  I often go out to the airport just to see aircraft taking off and landing.

Swimming 130 feet underwater is quite an adventure.  I took my Scuba Diving license while I was in Egypt.  Not much people notice, but the world's famous diving spot in the Red Sea is actually in Egypt.  Shamefully, I myself never knew this until I got there.  There is a fancy little diving resort called "Sharm el Sheikh" at the tip of Sinai Peninsula where I often went on a diving trip with my friends from Cairo American College.  Sham el Sheikh is a small town in middle of nowhere, more than 8 hours bus ride from Cairo (you might one to fly if you have money...).  This little town is actually my favorite place on Earth as it has the most unbelievable landscape of the barren deserts, the mountains of Sinai, and the vivid colors of the Red Sea.   Unbelievable view of underwater, full of colorful corals and fish, is waiting for you once you swim underwater off the coast; as if in a paradise.  I've dove about total 80 times so far and am a PADI certified Rescue Diver.

 I used to play on the Varsity Baseball team at CAC for three years back in Egypt.  I played mostly outfield and I batted second.    Although I haven't got a chance to play the sport in a team for years, I still love to watch some ballgames on TV.  I even enjoy taking some swings at batting cages or plyaing  catch every now and then.

I enjoy traveling in and out of country.  I was carried away by the beautiful lands of southern Utah recently when my friends and I visited Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park.   Above all,  grandeur of  The Delicate Arch at sunset was certainly memorable.  By the way, there is one place I am dying to go again.  Of course, Egypt!  I haven't got a chance to go back there in years ever since I moved, and this is what I am planning to do for my very next trip, if not a camping trip to Utah...

I am not much of a freak, but I do follow what is going on in Hollywood.  I go to movie theaters couple of times a month, and I also see lots of old movies on TV.  My best choice would be "Paris, Texas" directed by German genius Wim Wenders.  I first saw it during my English class at CAC.  I also like science fictions and human dramas.   Some of my favorites..."Menphis Belle", "E.T.", "2001 Space Odyssey" etc...

STAR TREK (The Next Generations)
I love the TV series.  The characters are great, so are the scripts, the settings, the CGs and the acting.  My favorite characters; Commander Riker and Lt. Commander Data.  I liked the episode at the season finale, " All good things...." the most.  There are so many other episodes I liked but I can't quite name them all.  I do like the movie series, too.  I also like the latest series, "Voyager".  I like Lt. Paris, Kes, and the holographic Doctor.

I enjoy plying the piano (mostly keyboard...) and a bit of guitar and bass.  I also enjoy singing from time to time.  I once played keyboard in a band called TOYS back at CAC with my Japanese friends, where we got a surprise second place at our Talent Show!  Still, I guess I am better at listening more than performing; bands such like Chicago, Lisa Loeb, Counting Crows, Billy Joel, Ben Folds Five, Weezer, Nirvana, Semisonic, Greenday, Pearl Jam...etc

I enjoy watching EVERY single race on TV during the season.  Actually I even went to see the Japanese GP held at Suzuka last year.   Imagine listening to the sound of those extraordinary F1 engines alive right along the circuit.  Boy was that exciting!   I am a fan of Mclaren-Mercedes Team, particularly David Coulthard.  I also like Eddie Irvine of the Ferrari team, H.H Frenzen, Jack Villnuve and Geancarlo Fisicella.

You've read this far??  Gee, Thanks.....I am flattered!