Utah Journal '97
Part 1 At Death Valley!

Utah Journal '98
Part 1

Around and around the White Rim Road!
At Canyonlands National Park, UTAH
(March 31 -April 3rd)

Click on some of the pictures to take a better look!

Japanese Page Is Here!

Day 1
Arches - Island in the sky - Airport Tower

b  c

(a)  Arches N.P. in the distance
(b) 4-Runner as if in a TV commercial...at Shafer Canyon
(c)  On the way to our first campground "Airport Tower"

Day 2
 Airport Tower - Murphy's Hogback
d  e

(d)  Who is this guy??
(e)  At Murphy's Hogback; our second stop

Day 3
 Murphy's Hogback - Hardscrabble Bottom
f  g  h  i

(f)  Down the hill we boldly go...in heavy snow!
(g)  Where are we??  Did we get lost?
(h)  At the tip of the rim...do you see me??
(i)  Our party at the rim...bathroom??

j  k  l  m

(j)  The Maze district of Canyonlands N.P. in the distance
(k)  Redden wall at sunset...really RED!
(l)  Our campground along the Green River at "Hardscrabble Bottom"
(m)  Stunning!!

Day 4
Hardscrabble Bottom - Island in the Sky
n  o

(n)  Old debris of cars fell off the ridge!
(o) On our way back up the canyon


All pictures shown in this page courtesy of "Shuzo Yoshihara"