Utah Journal '98
At Canyonlands N.P.

Utah Journal '97
Part 1

Three Cairo gangs
wandering the deserts
At Death Valley N.P., CALIFORNIA

Japanese Page is here!

Click on some of the pictures to take a better look!

 Day 1
Los Angels - Death Valley - Emigrant
a  b  c

a.  Our party before we leave LA...smile!
b.  At Death Valley after hours of driving...great view!
c.  Our first campground called "Emigrant" at Death Valley...boy it is hot!!

Day 2
 Emigrant - Sand Dunes - Furnace Creek etc...- Gold Valley
d  e   f

g  h

d. How come there are four of us!?  With our new friend "Jeff"
e. Two guys boldly walking across the Sand Dunes in unbelievable heat!
f.  At Devils Golf Club...how about playing golf?
g.  The lowest point in the U.S. at "Bad Water"...-242 ft under sea level
h.  Gee, that's almost 120F !

Day 3
  Gold Valley - Dante's View -Ely(Nevada)
i  j  k  l

i. At Dante's View, looking down the entire valley at 5475 ft
j.  This is what happens if you stick your head out a car running at 85 mph!
k. On our way to the Great Basin N.P. in Nevada...playing catch on highway!?
l.  We saw more and more trees as we drive up the mountains on our way to Ely


Picture Images Courtesy of "Three Cairo Gangs"