MPEG-1 Decoder

Yasuo Katayama
This is compact, but convinient MPEG-1(Systems, Video, and Audio) decoder. The source codes are opened on 4/26 2016. (m1v.tgz and m1a.tgz)

(1) Many .mpg files can be decoded by arguments and starts decoding at once, 
(2) also directory(s) can be specified,
(3) manipulate:

During decoding, the window click by 1,3,2 button (mouse left, right and wheel pressing) will start show of the grid display,
then press button 1,2,3 to manupulate decoder. (generally, button 3 is the reverse of the button 1)
After 10 sec of the manipulate, the grid display will be erased, but you can erase it by button 2.

	The expansion rate change (0,1,2,3,4)  button 1 expands, button 3 shrinks (by click on the
	broad area other than button areas).
	Bar display: showing the position in a file, click will move the position in the file.

	previous .mpg file, halt(play), next .mpg file
	loop in the file(on/off)	loop in the files (on/off).
	previous directory and next directory.
	vertical(horizontal) grid display
(4) 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and arbitrary rate expansion
	(when you change window size by pinching the edge of the window or by maximum the window)

Audio decoding is not included (it can be piped to mp2 decoder by a small shell script), it was made and used on Vine Linux 6.3, finally. Download the test version and you should just change its mode excutable by "chmod", and copy it to an adequate directory such as /usr/local/bin.

#chmod +x dec
#cp dec /usr/local/bin

It decodes many mpg files at once concatenatedly and can specify directory(s) which include .mpg files.

dec mpg_file(s)
dec directory(s)

See print-out below, when use "dec -h"

MPEG-1 Video decoder (version 1.04)
usage: dec [-l][-x] ... [mpgs|dirs]
-p: precisonal IDCT, -a: audio to stdout
-l: loop in file(s), -xN: enlarged by NxN
-b[0-3]: background color (pseudo color)
-c[0,1]: color trim (pseudo color)
-eN: exact framerate (def 1)
-wN: no inital setting of colormap, N: window id
-gxN: geometry x, -gyN: geometry y

Download free test version

Restrictions of the test version is only: duration of decoding upto 10 min.
If you need formal version, let me know by e-mail. Download a test version
Download mp2 audio decoder
Download "Cats" (dec -a $* | mp2 shell script)
Download MPEG-1 Video and systems decoder source code.
Download MPEG-1 Audio decoder source code.