




The Rate of Unemployment in the U.S.

From Keynes to Supply Side Economics


Takashi Kambe


T. Introduction

  Bill Clinton and Al Gore, in their presidential campaign book, wrotewe will scrap the current welfare system and make welfare a second chance, not a way of life. We will empower people on welfare with the education, training, and child care they need for up to two years, so they can break the cycle of dependency(Clinton and Gore 1992, p. 15).
  A recent development of economic theories suggests that the high rate of unemployment is not caused by a lack of the effective demand, rather caused by a natural rate of unemployment. Should the government remain a mere bystander?
  In the U.S., during the stagflation period, from the late60s to the early 80s, the economy was sluggish, and the rate of unemployment was high. The average unemployment rate of the U.S. from 1980 to 1990 was 7.0%, whereas that of Japan was only 2.5%.1 Why is there so big a difference? Is it because of the difference in the work ethic, like the argument of Confucianism?
  The aim of this thesis is to investigate reasons for the higher rate of unemployment in the U.S. First, I will briefly introduce the development of economic theories on unemployment. Secondly, I will analyze the trend of the rate of unemployment in the U.S. Finally, I will search for a possible policy to control unemployment.



  1. インデントスタイルの採用: Paragraphの先頭を3-5文字空ける。


  1. 直接文章を引用するときは( )で出所を書き、[Reference]に正式な書名を記載する。


Reference, Endnotesの引用文献の書き方

  1. 著者が一名の時は、

   Kambe T., The Rate of Unemployment in the U.S.; 出版地: 出版会社, 出版年

   Kambe T. and N. Kambe; ……のように、Family NameFirst Nameが逆になります。


  1. 内容がよいこと
  2. 読む人の気持ちになって、読み易く書く
  3. スペル・チェッカーを必ずかける




Friday, July 23, 1999 1:17:34 AM