Friends & Family!

Babi's Chat Room

Babi's Homepage

Eri's homepage
(Babi's sis'  homepage)
Inhabitants of Zamalek "Returns"
(Japanese BBS)

Yusuke's Map

Something to do with EGYPT!?

Cairo American College Alumni website
(An awesome site!)

Cairo American College

Web Directory of Egypt!
(Egyptian Search Directory)

The Egyptian Gazette
(Sounds familiar?)

Red Sea Virtual Diving Center
(information about Sharm El Sheikh)

Tour Egypt (ministry of tourism, Egypt)
(lots of information about Egypt)

Interesting Links on Egypt
(links to tons of sites about Egypt!)

Looking for something on the web?
(The Ones "Babi's Homepage" is listed)




Northern Light Search



copyright "Babi Nagura" 1999 All Rights Reserved
Last Update May 29th '99